u see lar...
still wanna see ar?
don't see lar...
so hamsap one lar you...
oklar... see lar see lar...

Nah, this is our sifu lor.... i told u all ady lor...u all sure cannot tahan ady after see her...

she has sexy thick neck.

"Today! I'm gonna teach you all learn pole dance!"
"WAH... u see! even these hamsap guys also can't wait to see me dance!"
"Ha ha ha... I know i memang pretty one lar... ok, class starts."
"First, u dance like this, circling around the pole."
"Then straight up your body and bite that thing. To make u look more sexier."
"Sexy ler....he he he..."
"OH! I feel so sexy now! even this guy also cannot tahan already.."
"OK, class end ady.... hope you all will learn something from me!"
WAH.... this miss sexy alligator really teach us a lot of things! THANK YOU SIFU!!!