I even shout infront of the TV ...walao... i can't believe i was so panic then shout here and there... like watching football like that (i dun watch football)...i even cover my head with a pillow...so worried until like that.. normally i dun watch badminton geh....coz that day i read the newspaper...CHONG WEI HAS IN THE FINAL MATCH!! WAH!!!! 1st time listen in all my life lor....1st malaysian to in the final match like..so exciting...
he looked very panic during the match..can see lor..and then at china summore...all the supporters is chinaman.... b4 he compete with lin dan... all is diff country mar..so not so many supporters and it's even more easier to compete with..then now is china...and then so many china ppl support.. so all the time we can only hear is ppl are cheering for Lin Dan.... But don't worry lar Chong Wei... there's 10 billion ppl above are watching u through television :) ALL THE BEST CHONG WEI! U CAN DO IT!!

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